
© 2021 – Dupuis Edition & Audiovisuel – Les Cartooneurs – All rights reserved
Ever heard of Roger? Roger is a robot delivered (by chance?) in a cardboard box to a young couple, Hugo and Florence. Incapable of lying, he points out the nonsense and foolishness of their daily lives, or even of their very existence. Hugo and Florence have their robot, and Roger has his humans. But deep down, Roger is the perfect anti-robot: he thinks, he ponders, he is the king of mushroom omelettes, of seemingly naïve but actually biting comments, he has no scruple whatsoever, no filter, no feeling of guilt. Roger tells it like it is and that is enough to trigger either the mirth or the fury of his hosts, who tend to take everything at face value. This causes a few tensions within the couple. In short, Roger is sometimes so funny that it feels like he’s a real human.

Discover French Youtuber Cyprien’s comic books Roger and his Humans which initiated the great adventure of the YouTube series!